Clarkston Enrollment Process

HighPoint Hybrid families who desire school-of-choice enrollment with Clarkston Community Schools (CCS) need to completely read through this information.  Please note if you already enrolled your child with CCS last year, there is no re-enrollment needed.  You will,  however, be required to complete the Xello program or another Education Development Plan (EDP), chosen by CCS for your child for the upcoming school year. Enrollment into Clarkston Community Schools is a two-part process.  The first part is completing the School of Choice Application.  After you complete this application, you will then need to enroll in Clarkston Community Schools.  In order to enroll, you must live within Oakland, Genesee, Lapeer, Macomb, Wayne, Washtenaw, or Livingston counties.

Please do not wait and begin collecting the necessary enrollment documents as soon as possible.

The deadline for the application and enrollment process to be completed is August 18 2023 at 3pm.

Here are the steps to complete the application and enrollment process.  

  1. The first thing that you will need to do is to complete the School of Choice Application, which is a Google Form.  Please use this link online school of choice form to complete the School of Choice Application.  Once you have submitted the application, it will have to be reviewed by Clarkston Community Schools.  Once your application has been reviewed you will receive a letter from Clarkston Community Schools via email from the email address you listed on the School of Choice Google Form.
  1. The second part of this process will begin after you receive a letter from Clarkston Community Schools. You will be given a second link to complete the enrollment process in this communication.  Reviewing the enrollment documents will ensure that you will be ready to enroll when you receive communication from Clarkston Community Schools.  Below are all the required documents you must have:
    1. 1 proof of ownership/occupancy 
    2. 2 proofs of residency  
    3. Student’s original birth certificate 
    4. Parent driver’s license or other photo ID 
    5. Immunization record OR waiver
      1. You will have to book an appointment with your county’s health department to get the school district name changed to Clarkston Community Schools – Clarkston Renaissance Virtual on your existing waiver. 
    6. Vision exam proof for incoming kindergartners  
    7. Grades 10-12 high school transcript  

3. After you have completed the enrollment process you will receive confirmation from Clarkston Community Schools.

If you have questions about Clarkston Community Schools’ HighPoint Hybrid program, including how many classes CCS will fund, testing requirements, etc, please contact Clarkston Community Schools directly: