True Learning
In a world where test scores and grades increasingly determine a child’s future, students and families crave a place where learning is more than just achieving good grades and spitting out answers. True learners ask questions about the world in which they live and what they can expect from it. They search for places where big questions are asked: the kind that do not always have an answer. They want a safe place where they are encouraged to be the best version of themselves. HighPoint Hybrid Academy seeks to be that place.
A Firm Foundation
HighPoint focuses on the core subjects in the upper grades and offers all of the state-required courses through HighPoint Learning as well as some subject-specific electives. HighPoint Learning science classes include biology and chemistry, as well as elective science such as human anatomy and physiology or physics. History classes include American history, world history, and government. Math classes include algebra 1, geometry, algebra 2, and personal finances. HighPoint Learning offers four years of language arts classes and two years of foreign language, PE and health, and art electives.
Critical Thinking
Language arts and history are oftentimes connected so that students can begin to understand world events through many points of view. In this manner, they learn to interpret the world for themselves rather than waiting for the media to tell them what to believe. Math and science students are encouraged in to ask questions and learn at a deeper level than just trying to pass a test. In all areas, instructors strive to foster within students a sense of curiosity and a joy of learning. At HighPoint, learning is the goal, not the byproduct of grades.
Real-Life Experience
By partnering with parents in their child’s education, HighPoint can enrich students learning without interfering with family time and dynamics. Coming in person two days a week and working through the curriculum at home for a portion of the other days allows upper school students to pursue their passions outside of a school environment.
Because we believe there is so much more to life than academics alone, we strongly encourage our older students to volunteer, work in apprenticeships, or study a particular area that interests them. Trying new opportunities can cause students to grow and can give them greater insight into what they may want to do with their lives.
We would like to invite you to come join us and see for yourself. We hope you will feel a spark of creativity, a renewed joy of learning, and an inkling of the possibilities that lie within each individual.
“The instructors are doing a fantastic job; I really appreciate their connection with each of my children and the encouragement they give them. The support gives my older kids the independence to complete their work readily at home.”
– Parent, Rochester
Frequently Asked Questions
Our high school program offers all the necessary core classes to meet the Michigan Merit Graduation requirements. Additionally, we offer electives in various subject disciplines that will vary from year to year.
On average, our classes are 14-16 students. Classes are capped at 16 students.
Students meet with their core classes on both days and meet with one of their two electives each day.
Sample Schedule:
Day 1 | Day 2 | |
1 | Math | Math |
2 | Language Arts | Language Arts |
3 | Social Studies | Social Studies |
Lunch | Lunch | |
4 | Science | Science |
5 | Elective 1 | Elective 2 |
- Quality literature, chosen by HighPoint staff
- Marshall-Cavendish Singapore Science
- Fresh Approach series for Math
- History Detective
- Economics: Principles in Action
*This is not an exhaustive list but gives a general idea of what we utilize. Our teachers use the relevant and engaging books listed above as a springboard for projects, debates, and experiments.
Each child has different needs and works at a unique pace. What may take one student 15 minutes to complete may take another student an hour. On average, we suggest planning 3 to 4 hours per home day, for a high school student.
HighPoint Hybrid uses the HighPoint Learning platform for instructors, students, and parents to communicate. Students and parents are able to log into the secure system to see all of the assignments and due dates.
Yes. Twice each semester, parents are sent a progress report via email. Additionally, parents and instructors meet in person mid-way through the semester. Since parents and instructors are working so closely together, these conferences are a great way to continue to develop this partnership and ensure the student’s success.
At the end of each semester (January and May) digital report cards are emailed to parents. Additionally, progress reports are emailed every five weeks and parent-co-teacher conferences are hosted in the fall and spring. At any time, parents can view student progress through the HighPoint Learning FACTS school information system. Instructors update their grade book weekly.
We recognize that each child is unique and special. During in-person instruction time, students are expected to participate in activities and group learning. At home, parents have the freedom to tailor lessons, activities, and homework to meet their child’s unique learning needs. If a student needs additional practice or reinforcement, our instructors and academic director are happy to partner with you to provide additional resources. However, HighPoint might not be the best fit for every child. We do not offer special assistance or paraprofessional support for students who have significant behavior or learning challenges.
At this time, there are a couple of student-led clubs that meet after school. There are no sports teams. Electives vary depending on interest and availability. Options have included a yearbook, computer programming, creative writing, exploring hobbies, Spanish, American Sign Language, physical education, theater/improv, and art classes.
Hear from parents with high school students
“It is the best fit possible for my teen right now, and I am so grateful. Because of different strengths and weaknesses, it allows each student/child to grow individually and gain true KNOWLEDGE. The small class sizes are a blessing.”
“HighPoint Hybrid is ideal. I wish my oldest daughter could have had this quality. My high schooler doesn’t feel like a number. The instructors are kind mentors, and it’s obvious they care and want my child to succeed.”
— Parent, Rochester
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